The Atterberg Limits are a basic measure of the critical water contents of fine-grained soils, such as clay and silt. Developed by Swedish chemist Albert Atterberg in the early 20th century, they are essential for classifying soils according to their plasticity and behavior at different moisture levels. The Atterberg limits define three key transitions in the state of soil:

Liquid Limit
Liquid Limit

Here is a graphical representation of a typical Liquid Limit test. The graph shows the relationship between the number of blows (on a logarithmic scale) and the water content. The vertical red dashed line indicates the Liquid Limit (LL) at 25 blows, where the soil's water content at this point determines its Liquid Limit.

This plot helps visualize the transition from a plastic to a liquid state for fine-grained soils.

Liquid Limit (LL): The water content at which soil changes from a plastic to a liquid state.
Plastic Limit (PL): The water content at which soil transitions from a plastic to a semi-solid state.
Shrinkage Limit (SL): The water content below which further loss of moisture does not cause further shrinkage in soil.

Together, these limits describe the soil's behavior as its water content decreases, which is critical for geotechnical engineering, as soil behavior affects construction projects, foundation stability, and road performance.

1. Liquid Limit (LL)

The Liquid Limit is defined as the water content at which soil behaves like a liquid, flowing under its weight but still retaining some shear strength.

Testing the Liquid Limit (LL) – Casagrande Method:


  • Casagrande device: A mechanical cup that drops a specified distance.
  • Grooving tool: Creates a standardized groove in the soil.
  • Soil sample, distilled water, spatula, mixing bowl.


  • Step 1: Prepare the soil sample by sieving it through a 425-micron sieve to remove coarser particles.
  • Step 2: Mix the soil with distilled water to achieve a paste-like consistency.
  • Step 3: Place the soil into the Casagrande cup and smooth the surface.
  • Step 4: Use the grooving tool to cut a groove down the center of the soil sample.
  • Step 5: Turn the crank handle, causing the cup to repeatedly drop 10 mm onto a hard surface. Record the number of blows required for the groove to close over a length of about 12 mm.
  • Step 6: Repeat the test with varying water contents and plot the number of blows vs. water content on semi-logarithmic graph paper.
  • Step 7: The water content corresponding to 25 blows is the Liquid Limit (LL).


The Liquid Limit indicates how much water the soil can absorb before it starts behaving like a liquid. It is crucial in understanding how soil will behave during and after saturation, like in floods or under construction loads.

2. Plastic Limit (PL)

The Plastic Limit is the water content at which soil starts crumbling and can no longer be rolled into thin threads without breaking.

Testing the Plastic Limit (PL):


  • Mixing bowl, rolling surface, spatula, and soil sample.


  • Step 1: Take a portion of soil and mix it with water until it becomes plastic.
  • Step 2: Roll a small amount of the soil into a thread on a flat surface.
  • Step 3: Keep rolling the thread until it reaches a diameter of 3 mm (about 1/8 inch).
  • Step 4: Continue rolling the soil until it crumbles or breaks apart. If the soil can no longer be rolled into a thread at 3 mm diameter, the water content of the soil at this point is the Plastic Limit (PL).


The Plastic Limit helps define the lowest water content at which the soil remains plastic and moldable. Below this, the soil starts behaving as a brittle, semi-solid material. It's an important criterion for determining soil plasticity and flexibility.

3. Shrinkage Limit (SL)

The Shrinkage Limit is the water content at which further loss of water does not result in a decrease in soil volume.

Testing the Shrinkage Limit (SL):

  • A soil sample is prepared and allowed to dry, and the volume of the sample is monitored during drying.
  • Once the soil stops shrinking, the water content at this point is defined as the Shrinkage Limit.


The Shrinkage Limit indicates the point at which soil stops reducing in volume when dried. It helps to understand the soil's shrink-swell behavior, which is crucial for structures built on clayey soils that might expand or contract due to moisture changes.

Plasticity Index (PI):

The Plasticity Index (PI) is calculated as the difference between the Liquid Limit and Plastic Limit:



  • A high PI indicates a highly plastic (and typically clayey) soil.
  • A low PI indicates a less plastic, more granular soil.

Importance of Atterberg Limits in Engineering:

  1. Soil Classification: The Atterberg Limits help classify soils (e.g., clays vs. silts) based on their plasticity and consistency.
  2. Foundation Design: High plasticity clays may shrink or expand due to moisture variations, affecting foundations and pavements.
  3. Stability Analysis: Engineers use these limits to predict soil behavior under varying conditions, especially in water-logged or drought-prone areas.
  4. Construction Suitability: Soils with very high liquid limits may be unsuitable for construction due to their instability when saturated.

Summary of Atterberg Limits Testing:

  • Liquid Limit: Determined using the Casagrande apparatus, measures the transition from plastic to liquid behavior.
  • Plastic Limit: Involves rolling the soil into threads, identifies the transition from plastic to semi-solid behavior.
  • Shrinkage Limit: Marks the point where soil no longer shrinks as water content decreases.

These tests are crucial for geotechnical analysis, ensuring the stability and safety of structures built on or with soil.

To perform the Atterberg Limits tests, you will need to follow specific procedures for each test (Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Shrinkage Limit). Here's a step-by-step guide for each:

1. Liquid Limit Test (LL)

Objective: To determine the water content at which the soil changes from a plastic state to a liquid state.


  • Casagrande Liquid Limit Device: A mechanical device with a cup that drops from a set height.
  • Grooving tool: Used to make a groove in the soil.
  • Spatula: To handle soil.
  • Evaporating dish: To mix the soil sample.
  • Balance: To weigh the soil.
  • Oven: To dry the soil for moisture content determination.
  • Sieve No. 40 (425-micron): To sieve soil.
  • Moisture cans: To hold soil for moisture content testing.
  • Distilled water: To mix with the soil.


Prepare the Sample:

  • Take a representative soil sample and dry it in the oven if necessary. Once dry, sieve the soil through the No. 40 sieve (425 microns) to remove coarser particles.
  • Add distilled water to the sieved soil to form a thick paste.

Set up the Casagrande Device:

  • Place the soil sample in the brass cup of the Casagrande device. Smooth the surface of the soil with a spatula to form a level layer.

Cut a Groove:

  • Use the grooving tool to cut a groove through the center of the soil in the brass cup. The groove should be about 2 mm wide at the bottom and 11 mm wide at the top.

Operate the Device:

  • Turn the handle of the Casagrande device so that the cup repeatedly falls from a height of 10 mm onto the hard base. Record the number of blows (drops) required for the groove to close along a distance of approximately 12 mm.

Repeat for Multiple Moisture Contents:

  • Perform the test several times with different water contents. Add more water to the sample to get a range of results where the number of blows required to close the groove varies from around 10 to 40 blows.

Determine the Water Content:

  • After each test, take a small sample of the soil from the cup, place it in a moisture can, and weigh it.
  • Dry the sample in an oven at 105°C to 110°C until constant weight is achieved, then reweigh to determine the moisture content.

Plot Results:

  • Plot the number of blows on a semi-logarithmic scale against the water content (on a linear scale).
  • The water content corresponding to 25 blows is the Liquid Limit (LL).

2. Plastic Limit Test (PL)

Objective: To determine the water content at which the soil changes from a plastic state to a semi-solid state.


  • Flat glass or ceramic surface: For rolling the soil.
  • Spatula: For handling the soil.
  • Balance: To weigh the soil.
  • Oven: To dry the soil for moisture content determination.
  • Moisture cans: For drying samples.
  • Distilled water: To mix with soil.


Prepare the Sample:

  • Take a representative soil sample and dry it in the oven if necessary. Sieve the soil through the No. 40 sieve (425 microns) to remove coarser particles.
  • Mix the soil with distilled water until it becomes a plastic mass (moist but not too wet).

Roll the Soil:

  • Take a small portion of the soil and roll it on a glass or ceramic surface using your fingers.
  • Roll the soil into a thread about 3 mm (1/8 inch) in diameter.

Determine the Plastic Limit:

  • Continue rolling until the soil thread breaks apart or crumbles at the 3 mm diameter.
  • Repeat this process with several soil portions.

Determine the Water Content:

  • Collect the crumbled soil pieces, place them in a moisture can, weigh them, and then dry them in the oven at 105°C to 110°C until constant weight is achieved.
  • Weigh the dried sample to determine the moisture content.
  • The water content at which the soil begins to crumble at 3 mm diameter is the Plastic Limit (PL).

3. Shrinkage Limit Test (SL)

Objective: To determine the water content at which further drying of the soil does not cause a reduction in its volume.


  • Shrinkage dish: A small, flat-bottomed dish for drying the soil.
  • Evaporating dish: For mixing the soil.
  • Balance: To weigh the soil and water.
  • Oven: To dry the soil.
  • Mercury (for volume measurement) or a sand bath method.
  • Distilled water: For mixing the soil.


Prepare the Sample:

  • Take a soil sample and mix it with enough water to reach a thick paste (saturated consistency).

Fill the Shrinkage Dish:

  • Place the wet soil in the shrinkage dish, ensuring no air pockets remain.
  • Level the surface of the soil.

Dry the Soil:

  • Allow the soil in the shrinkage dish to air dry.
  • Once air dried, place it in an oven at 105°C to 110°C until the sample is completely dry.

Measure the Shrinkage Volume:

  • Once the soil is fully dried, measure its volume using the mercury displacement method (or sand bath method).
  • The volume of dried soil can be compared to the original wet volume (volume of the shrinkage dish).

Determine Water Content:

  • Take a portion of the dried soil, place it in a moisture can, and determine its water content by weighing it before and after oven drying.

Calculate Shrinkage Limit (SL):

  • The Shrinkage Limit (SL) is the water content at which no further volume reduction occurs upon drying.

Summary of Key Points:

  • Liquid Limit Test: Use the Casagrande device to find the water content at which the soil takes 25 blows to close a groove.
  • Plastic Limit Test: Roll the soil into threads and determine the water content at which it crumbles at 3 mm diameter.
  • Shrinkage Limit Test: Measure the point where the soil ceases to shrink as it dries and determine its corresponding water content.

These tests are standard procedures in soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering and are critical for classifying and understanding the behavior of fine-grained soils under varying moisture conditions.

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